Since 2015
Educating & Inspiring Current and Future Leaders
Our History
It started with a trip to the dentist. The founders of Sonoran Desert Falconry met at Pinnacle Peak Family Dentistry, where co-founder, Sally Knight was working as the office manager. Co-founder Tiffany White’s love of candy led to a great conversation about the local Harris’ hawks that were hunting around the office.
After her next hunting trip with her Harris’ hawk Morpheus, Tiffany decided to stop by the office and introduce him to the staff. The look in Sally’s eye’s said it all. She was in love with Morpheus and Sonoran Desert Falconry would be born within 6 months time out of a mutual love for these amazing animals and this beautiful land.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Education is what truly drives us! We educate children, farmers, young adults, senior citizens, community associations and anyone who seeks knowledge of a better environment! We’ve taught children about different career options in Natural Resources, and watched as girls marveled at possibilities they never imagined. We’ve taught little boys how to fly drones and consider careers in farming as a way to achieve the lives they’ve wanted! We’ve helped farmers save millions of dollars all while looking at sustainable farming practices. Our mission is to help educate those who hold our future in their hands so we can all have a cleaner environment.
Why Help?
Title I School Program
Our signature program has enabled us take birds of prey into Title I schools since 2015. We do presentations to individual classrooms, school groups, and even attend an annual science night! We talk to the kids about the birds, their life cycle, how they fit into this eco-system, and then we talk about careers in Natural Resources!
Owls for Agriculture
Owls for Agriculture is a consulting program for farmers. Our goal is to get farmers all over the United States to place barn owl boxes for natural predation of rodents instead of using rodenticides that are harmful to the food chain. Our barn owls Sophie, Floki, and Gabriel assist us in doing presentations!
Sonoran Desert Wizarding Camps!
How would you like your kids to learn about STEAM subjects in a fun environment while being sorted into creative wizarding “houses”? What if they could dissect real owl pellets, learn to fly drones, learn to handle real raptors, and study with trained biologists? The Sonoran Desert Wizarding camps are coming soon!
Therapy Owls
We would like to explore how owls like Sophie and Floki can help more people. Sophie has already saved a life. Floki has touched so many others. By developing a therapy owl program we may be able to make a difference in people’s lives who really need it!
Anti Bully initiative
For 2021 we are creating a new anti-bullying program. Birds of prey are tough. But they don’t bully. And we have a group of birds that are perfect to deliver this message to any kids that may need to hear it!